Monday, May 31, 2010

razmataz. i'm kinda bored. well, once i've got a job and money, i can start doing some things from my bucket list. can't go to every concert for free, unfortunately. but i can't wait till i have money and a car. i'll see ALL my favorite bands in concert! yay! this calls for an autograph book! and hopefully i'll eventually meet the actors from my fave shows, but that might have to wait till i'm a famous writer!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

i was reading My Life Is Average a second ago. one of them was someone realizing that, when they're reading, they act out the verbs (if a character sighs, they sigh, etc.) and i realized that i do the same thing. also, if i think something is funny, i'll read it out loud. makes me sound crazy, but oh well! :) ah, and something i remembered that i thought was cool; i was at the Hobby Lobby a while ago, and in the front there was a stone statue thing. from one side, it was an ichthus (the fish thing) and had an inscription (which of course i can't remember) and from the other, it was a cross. BUT, to see that it was a cross, you had to be on your knees. i thought that was really awesome.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

i made a bucket list. a list of things to do bfore i die. so far, i've got 33 things on it, so i figured i'd start young! XD let's see,
1) learn to salsa dance,
2) eat a half-pound hershey bar with someone
3) publish at least one book
4) travel the world
5) fall in love
6) get married
7) have kids
8) meet my favorite bands
9) meet the actors from my favorite shows
10) inhale sulfur hexafluoride
11) read 100 books in a week
12) find someone that knows what argelfraster means
13) go to busch gardens and ride sheikra
14) read the whole Bible in a week
15) eat a half-pound bag of skittles with someone
16) shingle my house with license plates
17) go fishing
18) catch some beach fish
19) go around the world in 80 days or less
20) write the storyline for and publish at least one comic
21) write the script for a movie
22) meet savvy :)
23) meet dj :)
24) meet sa :)
25) go skydiving
26) try one of everything from starbucks
27) go a week without talking
28) go one day without using a computer/phone/tv/ipod
29) help people with diabetes
30) help people with cancer
31) donate blood
32) stay awake for 3 days straight
33) make a door out of driftwood

that's all so far! :D

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

i can't think of anything to say...ho hum...except that i found the BEST WEBSITE EVER!!! its called ThinkGeek, they have star trek onesies, titanium sporks, caffeinated, bacon-flavored lollipops (coffee-flavored too, of course), and envelopes with BACON-FLAVORED GLUE. and energy drinks. and gum. and gummy bacon. and bacon-flavored gumballs. I LOVE THESE PEOPLE! I'M GLAD SOMEONE THINKS LIKE I DO! XD

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

hyez people, sorry its been so long since i posted. ah, vacation. a time when all mental function ceases and lichen starts to grow on people's brains. its beautiful. i'm just sitting at home watching tv and reading fanfiction. i wonder why i love crime shows so much? mebe i'm meant to be a profiler! the only problem is, i decided i want to be a writer. mebe i'm just crazy XD but seriously people, how are y'all doing? also seriously, yeah i'm gonna be a famous fiction writer someday! i've got the starts of like four books already, but i get mental snags easily. like, really easy. oh well, i'll finish all of them eventually!