Tuesday, December 7, 2010

We, the Geeks

just what IS a geek? someone who knows computers better than they know their family? someone who watches sci-fi? i believe ThinkGeek sums it up nicely;

'In this world there are dorks, nerds, and geeks. Let's see if we can accurately describe them, without being insulting. Picture a Renaissance Faire. The dorks are the guys running around with a sword on their back . . . and tennis shoes. The nerd is the one with the completely accurate costume who points out that fact to annoyance of everyone around. But the geeks are the lords and ladies in the completely accurate costume with the appropriate weapons who are so comfortable in their nerdiness and dorkiness that they have elevated it to a new level. They have become cool due to the sheer awesomeness of their personality. These are the geeks - these are us and these are you - and we are the people who will rule the world.'

yes, we will rule the world someday. if we survive the zombie uprising. but in any case, geeks are awesome. why? because we're awesome. because we make things like soap that looks like the TARDIS, and books about how to survive that zombie uprising, and coffee-flavored lollipops.

which brings about the question 'what is UP with you people and caffeine?!'

i, personally, am not addicted to caffeine. i drink decaf coffee. but, i love the idea of caffeine. also, caffeine molecules look awesome.

geeks can explain why time travel isn't possible. they can explain string theory (some of them anyway) and they can fix your computer (but they won't, because you've asked a million times and it's time to learn how to fix your own computer, n00b).

so, what is a geek? that's like asking 'what was beethoven?' or 'what is star trek?'

the answer, of course, is 'pure awesome.'

Sunday, October 10, 2010

grrr. i have a story that would be totally awesome if i could actually write the beginning. boo. it seems like it would be fun to write a story with someone. i wish i could write books really easily. that'd be nice. mehhh but it doesn't work like that...you have to THINK about EVERYTHING like PLOTS and CHARACTERS and SO much STUFF.
all my book ideas are kinda depressing... well, not all of them. some of them. well, actually i only have like four and two of them are depressing. the outsiders and one of the others are just awesome. cuz telekinesis and smart people are awesome. yeah.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

so the outsiders is going better now, since i actually started writing on it again. i revised/edited the first chapter. on to the next! i really hope to get it published when i'm done. i've worked out a bunch of it, but the middle is a little fuzzy. i even came up with more of a history on peter, and of course i changed his last name... i changed zaria's name too, she's now dana. and peter's last name is lucien. a lot of changes, but i really like how the first chapter turned out. i'll revise it again most likely, how ever many times it takes to make it the best. this feels so good, the feeling that i've actually got a book with a plot and CHARACTERS and everything! AHOY! it's the weirdest feeling, the feeling that i might actually succeed with this. people keep telling me that if i don't go to college, i'll never get published, but i don't believe that. since i am who i am, i practically CAN'T believe it. i wonder if misty and dj and savvy (yes, y'all XD) feel like this all the time. i mean, they seem to have no clue where the ice sword chronicles are going, or when they'll finish, but it's turning out really awesome. i hope my book comes out half as awesome as theirs. :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

hmph. i was gonna get the PERFECT thing for one of my friends for his b-day next year, but he said sonic screwdrivers aren't cool if they don't WORK. YOU FAILED ME, THINKGEEK. i guess i'll get him a tribble. everyone loves tribbles. except kirk and klingons, but it's mutual in the klingon's case.


Well, we watched the first episode of the new Hawaii Five-O and it wasn't terrible. I actually like it a lot better than the original series. It's way more dramatic. And it's hilarious cuz Danno reallly hates McGarrett's guts.
Ooh, i can't wait! i turn sixteen in exactly 3 weeks! And then there's the renfest, the shuttle launch, Busch Gardens, and Celtic Thunder! The next 2 months will be full of awesome! B-days, turkey legs, space (the final frontier), rollercoasters, and irish accents! Especially the accents. Yeah.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

i have been tagged, whatever that is. i must answer questions. MWAHAHAHAHAheheh *ahem* yeah.

What color is your floor?
uhhh grey/white/brownish/red/greenish blue. and greatly lacking fluffiness.

Look up. What's the first thing you see?
my wall. its pretty-princess-pink, if you must know.

What is your favourite subject?
i assume this is about school, but as it is summer, i refuse to think about school and will instead give my favorite subject to talk about. SCIENCE FICTION.

Where would you like to live?
in texas. in houston. oh wait...

What is the wackiest hairdo you've ever given a character?
well, i rarely draw and i write some, i think prolly the weirdest would be all those emo people i drew...

Can you remember the last thing your sibling told you?

Describe the closest plant (or living green thing) to you.
aside from the dead weeds and the pic of a mushroom on my desk? the tree outside my window.

Now...you have to complete the chore adding the general idea of all those statements together to make some coherent conclusion (have fun!)

catherine sat on her mutlicolored (and honestly kinda ugly) floor, staring at her BRIGHT PINK walls. 'hmm,' she thought, 'i wish my walls were blue, like the TARDIS.'
her room then became the TARDIS, and she travel to houston, texas, where she sat in a tree and drew a bunch of little emo dudes. she asked her sister if they looked emo enough. her sister said no. so catherine made them even more emo-looking. and drew some rainbows and unicorns and lollipops and coffee. just because.
then she scribbled something on one of the drawings and sent it to patricia. patricia opened it, and it said 'MWAHAHA! YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED!'

heheheh. >:D

Monday, July 5, 2010

well, i just saw How to Train Your Dragon. i can safely say that it is the best movie i have ever seen. WATCH IT!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

when my bro graduated, a few people did little speaches about taking their first steps into their new world. one girl read a short story about good and evil that i thought was cool.

"One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said:

'My son, the battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.'

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, 'Which one wins?'

The old Cherokee simply replied, 'The one you feed.'"

i love it. it's short and to the point, and kind of... well, inspiring, i guess. like the cross-and-ichthus statue.

Monday, May 31, 2010

razmataz. i'm kinda bored. well, once i've got a job and money, i can start doing some things from my bucket list. can't go to every concert for free, unfortunately. but i can't wait till i have money and a car. i'll see ALL my favorite bands in concert! yay! this calls for an autograph book! and hopefully i'll eventually meet the actors from my fave shows, but that might have to wait till i'm a famous writer!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

i was reading My Life Is Average a second ago. one of them was someone realizing that, when they're reading, they act out the verbs (if a character sighs, they sigh, etc.) and i realized that i do the same thing. also, if i think something is funny, i'll read it out loud. makes me sound crazy, but oh well! :) ah, and something i remembered that i thought was cool; i was at the Hobby Lobby a while ago, and in the front there was a stone statue thing. from one side, it was an ichthus (the fish thing) and had an inscription (which of course i can't remember) and from the other, it was a cross. BUT, to see that it was a cross, you had to be on your knees. i thought that was really awesome.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

i made a bucket list. a list of things to do bfore i die. so far, i've got 33 things on it, so i figured i'd start young! XD let's see,
1) learn to salsa dance,
2) eat a half-pound hershey bar with someone
3) publish at least one book
4) travel the world
5) fall in love
6) get married
7) have kids
8) meet my favorite bands
9) meet the actors from my favorite shows
10) inhale sulfur hexafluoride
11) read 100 books in a week
12) find someone that knows what argelfraster means
13) go to busch gardens and ride sheikra
14) read the whole Bible in a week
15) eat a half-pound bag of skittles with someone
16) shingle my house with license plates
17) go fishing
18) catch some beach fish
19) go around the world in 80 days or less
20) write the storyline for and publish at least one comic
21) write the script for a movie
22) meet savvy :)
23) meet dj :)
24) meet sa :)
25) go skydiving
26) try one of everything from starbucks
27) go a week without talking
28) go one day without using a computer/phone/tv/ipod
29) help people with diabetes
30) help people with cancer
31) donate blood
32) stay awake for 3 days straight
33) make a door out of driftwood

that's all so far! :D

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

i can't think of anything to say...ho hum...except that i found the BEST WEBSITE EVER!!! its called ThinkGeek, they have star trek onesies, titanium sporks, caffeinated, bacon-flavored lollipops (coffee-flavored too, of course), and envelopes with BACON-FLAVORED GLUE. and energy drinks. and gum. and gummy bacon. and bacon-flavored gumballs. I LOVE THESE PEOPLE! I'M GLAD SOMEONE THINKS LIKE I DO! XD

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

hyez people, sorry its been so long since i posted. ah, vacation. a time when all mental function ceases and lichen starts to grow on people's brains. its beautiful. i'm just sitting at home watching tv and reading fanfiction. i wonder why i love crime shows so much? mebe i'm meant to be a profiler! the only problem is, i decided i want to be a writer. mebe i'm just crazy XD but seriously people, how are y'all doing? also seriously, yeah i'm gonna be a famous fiction writer someday! i've got the starts of like four books already, but i get mental snags easily. like, really easy. oh well, i'll finish all of them eventually!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

star wars? someone said star wars? REALLY?!?!?! ohhh myyy gooodnesss I! LOVE! FRINGE! SO! MUCH! peter is awesome. sooo aaawesooome. sssooo uuunnnbbbeeellliiieeevvvaaabbblllyyy AAAWWWEEESSSOOOMMMEEE!!! yup. THAT awesome. the show is SSSOOO CCCOOOLLL!!! vampires! interdimensional travel! walking through walls! actually, i know how they do that. they make the wall vibrate, and it kinda makes it go all jellylike. so, people can walk through it. in techy terms, they are disrupting the wall's atomic structure. something like that. i feel like such a nerd... actually, that's nothing, come to think of it. i was talking to my mom one time, and i explained why time travel is totally impossible (sorry, but it is) in like 15 minutes. why am i getting a sense of deja vu...?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

OH. MY. WORD. i started writing ANOTHER story! this one's just a romance, though :D AND i've got an idea for ANOTHER story, which i'm not going to say anything about cuz it's still in the larval stage. the first one though is coming along nicely, and holy snap i forgot the password to my other blog... hmmm... NO WAIT i remember. anyway, i've also got three chapters of my first story done. i'm working on the first chapter of the other thing, and i haven't really started on the one i'm not going to talk about. wait... rats! i talked about it! oh well. heh, the first two stories barely even have plots. i'm workin' on it, though! :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

ok, sorry to anyone that's waiting for me to post more of my story on my other blog, but i'm kinda stuck. on the plus side, i started a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT story about SOMETHING ELSE because i'm ADHD, as i'm SURE you've REALIZED. and that something is about *drum roll* well...um...uh...superpowers. yeah. but it's coming along nicely! i've got two chapters done! (ok admitedly they're kinda of the not-very-long persuasion, but hey, i'm a beginner) anyway, it's not as corny if you read it. plus-plus-also-AND it's got (wait for it... wait for iiit) ROMANCE! i can't help it, i'm addicted. it makes stories more interesting. anyways, the main character (a guy, his name is peter) can control electricity WITH HIS MIND. that's called electrokinesis, kids, write it down. anyways, he meets this girl (zaria- that's pronounced 'zuh-RYE-uh,' not 'ZAIR-ee-uh,' btw.) and of course they inevitably fall for eachother. and lots of EXCITING stuff happens, too! like sticking forks in outlets! (NEVER EVER EVER do that, kids, i don't want to get sued because some IDGET stuck a fork in an outlet and GOT FRIED like a PEOPLE MCNUGGET) ANYWAYS it's going to be really cool. i might even finish it! lol but seriously, folks, you can read it when it gets published! (in my DREAMS XD) it's called The Outsiders. it is AWESOME! at least i think so. all my friends keep telling me that 'it is so cool!' and one of my friends said it sounded 'like a real book', which i'm guessing is a compliment... lol my sister said she was surprised, i'm guessing at the fact that i came up with and wrote a story, cuz i'm always talking about how i wish i could write, and it's like BAM! now i can. it's weird, but hey. HOLY MOLY this post is getting long! oh well. so i've been watching Fringe a ton lately (it's an awesome show, watch it) IT IS THE COOLEST THING SINCE CRIMINAL MINDS. i actually like it more than criminal minds *gasp* DID I JUST SAY THAT? OH YES I DID! this is stunning because i'm always jabbering about how criminal minds is my favorite show and yada yada yada, no one cares, catherine... oh well, i like talking so DILL WIDDIT. that's 'deal with it,' btw. well, ttfn!

Friday, March 12, 2010

ok, please, PLEASE vote on the above poll. in my opinion, everyone that doesn't know the answer should be mentally SHOT. not actually shot, cuz that would be going a little overboard. honestly, getting it wrong in any way is like saying MCGEE (from NCIS) is from CRIMINAL MINDS. i am prolly the only person i know that gets why that's such a drastic difference, but OH WELL.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

well, i got the first part of my first story up on my other blog! yays! well, not much else is going on right now... man, when i move out, i wanna travel! anywhere that's not houston, texas, cuz i know this place like the back of my hand! *sees back of hand* that's new...

Friday, March 5, 2010

ok, so i made another blog that i'm gonna post my stories on. don't get too excited now, i haven't started yet! anyway, it's called 'in my mind' (the blog, i mean) and the thing is www.thisisthelastaddressitrybeforeigiveup.blogspot.com. uh, yeah, a lot of things were taken...
I need to start writing the story ideas I have stuck in my head, it's getting crowded in there! there's one where the main girl is basically a ghost throughout the entire thing. see, she's in a car when a bomb goes off, and she goes into a coma. she's so close to being dead that her soul kinda goes on walkabout. that whole thing sounds way better in my head... there's another one where the main guy has wings. I'm starting to think I'm allergic to reality. and logic. and sanity. which is why I stay away from them. oh! I accidentally made a voodoo doll! I made a doll out of black denim, and it's got black button eyes. one of the eyes is bigger. it scares me...

Monday, March 1, 2010

OOOKAYYY back to abnormality. i have a pink baseball. i named it beverly. OH beverly used to be a boy's name. for serious. i also have two normal baseballs (freddy and carl). i found all of them in the ditch behind my house. i love junk! *gasp* oh noes! i is a packrat!
ok, if i knew how to set up a poll, i would, but i don't, so just... comment or something. should i tell *unnamed* that i like him, or keep it a secret?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

i can't think of anything to say... bubbles and loch ness... i believe in the loch ness monster, by the way. and various and sundry other cryptids (unconfirmed creatures). squeaky toys and rock-and-roll. when all else fails, be random!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

i feel like posting a 'my life is average' type thing. i was at the library with my bff. theres a vending machine just outside it, so i got myself some funions... they stuck, so i paid for more to push them out. THEY STUCK. i paid for FIVE BAGS of funions, and i only ended up with four. the last one stuck. i'm convinced that vending machine is cursed. or at least the funions.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ok, this is going to seem like a bolt from the blue, but y'know the thing I said about how I believe everyone has a soulmate? Well (I can't believe I'm doing this), I think I found mine. For serious. And its actually incredibly ironic because I'm scared to death to tell him I like him. this is ironic because, here I am, a complete romance FANATIC and the one thing I always think about is the one thing I feel like I can't say. y'know, I always thought I knew this 'love' stuff inside-out and backwards, but I guess I'm finally realizing that it doesn't always happen like in the movies. It's kind of sad. But if it doesn't work out, there's plenty of fish in the sea, as they say. On second thought, whoever said that is dumb. That's a dumb phrase. Cuz sure, there's plenty of fish in the sea, but the one you want is the one that got away. Ooh, double whammy! I'm getting better at quoting stuff! :D

Saturday, February 13, 2010

ok, so it turns out cho didn't kill anyone. but he has a girlfriend! that freaked me out even more. he dates! there is a girl that he kisses and says 'i love you' to! HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND! what in the world! oh well.

Monday, February 8, 2010

what would you do if you had three wishes? i would want to find all the lost treasures in america, like National Treasure. then i'd want to be able to write all the stories i have in my head coherently. then i'd wish for infinity wishes. the world would get very interesting if my imagination was set free. people would be able to ride dragons everywhere. AWESOMENESS.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

since it's february (and only a week until valentine's day), HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! to all my bff's. they are all epic/awesome/eccentric (like me!) and have MOXIE! (look it up) oh, and to all of you with warped senses of humor (like mine :D), google '339 puke synonyms'. it is the most hilarious thing EVER.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

ok, i watched 'unbreakable' and it got me wondering- what would it be like if everyone had superpowers? not having a power would be considered different. if someone didn't have a power, they would be the 'special' one. and you can bet people would notice. in our world, if someone had a power, they probably wouldn't use it in public. but in Superworld? people would use their powers evey day! moms duplicating themselves, astronauts teleporting- and imagine what the Olympics would be like! if someone in Superworld was 'talent'less, it would be almost impossible not to notice. i wonder what it would be like...

Friday, February 5, 2010

AAACK! i just now saw the previews for next week's Mentalist episode! IT LOOKS LIKE CHO KILLS SOMEONE! also, he has a girlfriend, which is weird because he's, y'know, cho.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

i found that on the web. my friend says i'm a romance junkie- guilty as charged!
What can the love in my soul be compared to another wonderful soul which is so far and yet so close of my self?
What can this symbiosis between two souls can be?
What can love be when you feel you cannot sleep at night, that every drop of dew becomes a crystal in your heart, when every breeze of wind has magical meanings?
What can love be when you feel that you want nothing more in this world that to be with the soul you love?
But what can love be in other transcendental realities? What about our souls?
Are our souls a waterfall, a true Niagara or a smile, a flirt of an angel? Are our souls a mere mood of a fairy or a lightening in a summer rain?
Our souls could be all of this and much more. But what really happens in that transcendental reality when we feel we are truly in love, that we love so much that it hurts? That the air in the room is unbreathable, that the sentimental, spiritual or physical distances kill us? What happens when dawn find us sadder than ever, looking for an excuse or an argument for the person we love so much, our Great Love? What are all thses? What are the looks lost in the desert horizons of unfulfilment or those in the eyes that deeply loose each other in the others inside the souls?

Sorin Cerin
more famous quotes
I now have the awesomest friends ever. one lives in NEW YORK and is WRITING a STORY, which is AWESOME, and the other lives in the UKRAINE and can speak RUSSIAN, which is AWESOME. also, I have decided there are three things I firmly believe in; 1) everyone has a soulmate, 2) everything happens for a reason, and 3) peanut butter is the worst thing to eat after you cry.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

k, people, if any of you have read 'blood or (and?) chocolate', please tell me if it's any good. i saw a girl at my school reading it, and from what it said on the back, i thought it looked interesting. it's about a girl that's a werewolf... also, 'fallen'. i saw that one at the kroger. it sounded cool, too. it's a guy that's an angel. 'blood or chocolate' and 'fallen' both actually sound sorta twilight-y, cuz they're both like 'we can't be together bcuz A) i might maul you, or B) i'm a frickin' ANGEL. twilight-y is ok, though. twilight rocks so hard it's redunculous.